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8 Hair Care Tips For Coloured & Bleached Hair Shared By Those Who’ve Fried Theirs Too Often

Hair care tips for damaged hair

Roses are red, violets are blue; I wish my hair could be those colours, and I’m sure you do too. Unfortunately, we’re not living in the Sims world where one click is all we need to switch up our hairstyles. Instead, we turn to chemicals to colour our tresses.

Whether you’ve fried your hair once, twice, or over 5 times, you’ll know that chemically-treated hair not only leads to frizz and grass-like hair, it also leads to brittleness and hair loss. So if you’re itching to experiment with Billie Eilish-esque locks, here are some hair care tips for damaged hair.

1. Invest in hair tools like a wet brush & microfiber cloths

hair care tips - microfiber cloth
Microfibre towel wraps.
Image credit: DECATHLON Singapore

Beautiful, healthy hair doesn’t come by easy. That’s why there are hair tools made specifically to protect your mane. Instead of using any towel in your closet, invest in microfiber cloths to dry your hair. Once your hair is semi-dried, use a wet brush to comb out the tangles. Your hair is at its most vulnerable when wet, and using these brushes will minimise hair breakage and evenly distribute your natural hair oils.

Avoid tying your hair when you sleep – but if you absolutely need to, get silk hair ties that don’t pull at your hair. In the same vein, silk pillowcases are also recommended because of the soft material. Scratchy, stiff materials might cause pulling and breakage of your hair, but silk pillowcases don’t do that.

2. Bulk up on protein-rich foods 

hair care tips - protein-rich foods

You’ve probably heard of the saying that “what you put in your body is what you get out” – and that’s true when it comes to haircare too. Protein-rich foods such as fish, lean meats, eggs, beans, nuts, and seeds are great for hair follicle development. You can also consider incorporating multivitamins that contain biotin, iron, and zinc which promotes healthy hair.

3. Use a shower filter

hair care tips - shower filter
Image credit: Uchify

This might be an unexpected tip to some – using a shower filter. Our beloved H2O can contain nasty chemicals, dirt, and harsh minerals that result in dehydrated hair and hair strands breaking off. Those who are planning to rock blonde tresses, know that these water contents can also cause brassiness. Having a shower filter can clarify the water so your hair is protected.

4. Follow a proper hair-washing routine

hair care tips - proper hair-washing routine

Truth is, hair-washing isn’t as simple as 1, 2, 3. There are specific ways you can follow to minimise damage to your locks. Firstly, avoid showering with hot water. The high heat will strip natural hair oils off, and it also makes your colour run faster. If possible, limit your hair washing to every alternate day as regular washing will dry out your hair too.

When shampooing, apply your preferred shampoo to your roots only, and condition only your ends. Try not to use your fingernails when massaging the shampoo as you might scratch your scalp – use your fingertips instead. Alternate between scalp-care shampoo and regular shampoo, and don’t forget to use a hair treatment mask at least once a week.

Of course, you could always pamper yourself and get a professional to wash your hair for you by opting for a scalp treatment.

 5. DIY an aloe vera mask for post-bleaching 

hair care tips - aloe vera mask
Image credit: Medical News Today

If you’ve survived the horrors of bleaching your hair, you’ll know that your scalp can get extremely itchy and irritated after. Slap on an aloe vera hair mask to soothe your skin – the plant has anti-inflammatory properties that will help with the discomfort. Plus, it contains vitamins A, C, and E that repair and strengthen the hair.

It’s simple to DIY an aloe vera hair mask at home. You can purchase aloe vera gel from the supermarket or extract it from the plant directly. Combine it with gentle oils such as coconut oil or argan oil, then apply it directly to your scalp.

6. Rinse your hair with rice water

hair care tips - rice water
Image credit: Ashley Brown via Facebook

STOP. Don’t throw out the water after you’ve washed the rice for tonight’s dinner. Rice water has been known to minimise frizz and strengthen hair strands, as confirmed by board-certified trichologists. This is thanks to the amino acids, vitamins B and E, and antioxidant properties that rice water has. Tip: store your rice water in a spray bottle for easier application.

7. Split hair dye session into 2 

bleached hair - Split hair dye session
Sadly, colourful hair like this comes at a cost. 

I know, you’re eager to flaunt your new hairstyle. But if your hair isn’t able to withstand a tonne of strong chemicals, consider splitting your hair dyeing session. Start with the bleaching and toning – this means you’ll probably be blonde for a couple of days. Once you’ve given your hair a break – remember to use a hair mask in between – then you can proceed with colouring.

This helps to minimise shock and damage to your locks. And if you aren’t happy with the results, be patient and wait 3 weeks before correcting it. It’s tough, but protecting your hair is well worth the wait.

8. Schedule regular scalp treatments with a professional 

bleached hair - regular scalp treatments

When in doubt, seek a professional and schedule regular scalp treatments. You’ll get access to advanced hair care techniques and advice from experts on how to revive your tresses, instead of blindly Googling for answers.

For instance, TK TrichoKare provides consultations and customised scalp treatments – a plus point as not everyone’s hair health is the same. Some concerns they’ll address are hair loss, dandruff, oily, itchy, and sensitive scalp.

How to take care of bleached & damaged hair

With the many hair trends popping up, it’s natural that we’ll want to hop on the bandwagon and try new styles. But with new hair colours come frizzy, brittle, and dry hair – so it’s vital to care for your hair as best as possible.

bleached hair  - TrichoKare analysis

Professional treatment centres like TrichoKare offer top-tier guidance and treatments that your hair will appreciate. You’ll sit through a consultation with in-house Trichologists to understand your lifestyle and hair habits, as well as a Hair and Scalp Scan Analysis. For all you know, you might be using a shampoo that doesn’t complement your hair type.

I’ve been battling an itchy scalp ever since I bleached my hair to get blonde highlights. So it’s no surprise that I found out I had clogged pores after doing the scan.

From there, the experts will recommend customised hair treatments, where premium European herbs are used to combat your specific hair and scalp issues.

hair care tips - TrichoKare treatment

Hair and scalp specialists will then apply the Customised European Herbal Scalp Masque. This step rids your scalp of any excess sebum and clears clogged pores. And yes, you’ll also be treated to an 8-step Aromatherapy Head and Shoulder Massage so the masque is fully absorbed.

hair care tips - TrichoKare hair wash

The mask will be washed off with the salon’s best-selling shampoo during the Nourishing Hair Bath, which locks in moisture and strengthens hair strands. It also prevents colour fading, extending the longevity of hair dye.

bleached hair  - Customised Treatment Essence

Next comes the application of the Customised Treatment Essence using the NanoMist Spray to encourage hair growth.

hair care tips - Hair Bang

You’re almost done with the treatment. The Hair Bang seals off the essence goodness with infrared light technology, to balance your scalp’s pH levels and detox your hair and scalp.

hair care tips - Post-Treatment Scalp Scan Analysis

To end off, you’ll do a Post-Treatment Scalp Scan Analysis so you can see the treatment results with your own eyes. Oh, and also get your “Before and After” shot for Instagram. It’s clear that my pores were no longer clogged, and my scalp felt refreshed.

Damaged and broken hair? Absolutely knot. There are various ways to treat and care for your coloured hair, including going for TK TrichoKare’s hair treatment. Time to follow your hair dreams and get your mane character moment.

No need to scratch your head and ponder if you should invest in TK TrichoKare’s Scalp Purifying Therapy – the treatment is going at an affordable price of $48 (U.P. $556). You’ll also get a free bottle of their Nourishing Hair Bath and CompleteKare Mask.

Sign up for TK TrichoKare’s Scalp Purifying Therapy

This post was brought to you by TK TrichoKare.
Photography by Jaslyn Tan.