
On this day TheSmartLocal.com was born.

  1. This site aims to be the number one resource for everything in a particular country.
  2. It is created by locals who know their country better then everyone else, therefore giving tourist a more rewarding and enlightened travel expereince.
  3. Everything can be reviewed, from hotels to restaurants to even say interior design firms.

These reviews aim to be honest and unbiased meaning:

  • It is free from any government control, people say what they feel about it. Of course be respectful at all times to the government or parties reviewed.
  • It is free from any paid advertising to get an advantage. If we implement commercial features it will not affect the ratings in any way, they will just be featured without ratings.

Over the next 2-3 months I will begin development of the site. I hope this becomes fully funcitonal in about 3 months. Wish me luck!