It’s that time of year again, the family gatherings, ang paos and copious amounts of food. If you’re at a loss for words this Chinese New Year, try out these phrases to put a smile onto your grandparent’s faces. We’ve even added in Cantonese and Hokkien versions so you can look super cool and impress your folks.
We’ve split this article into 2 parts: Basic and Advanced, so those who aren’t very confident in their language skills will have an easier time picking out what to say! Regardless, as long as you try telling your grandparents something in their dialects, they’ll be sure to nod, smile, and say 乖 (“guai”; filial)!
Mandarin: 新年快乐 (Xīn Nián Kuài Lè)
Hokkien: Sin Ni Ju Yi
Cantonese: San Nin Fai Lok
The plain white t-shirt of Chinese New Year greetings. It’s basic, and you can’t go wrong with it. Often leads to a smile and nod from the recipient.
Hokkien: Gheong Ki Huat Cai
Cantonese: Gong Hei Fatt Choy
This is one of the most overused phrases around. You’ve probably heard this one many times. Prosperity, after all, is one of the reasons kids love Chinese New Year! More ang paos anyone?
Mandarin: 身体健康 (Shēng Tǐ Jiàn Kāng)
Hokkien: Sin They Gian Kong
Cantonese: Sun Tai Thin Hong
This is a simple and effective saying that is bound to put a smile on your grandfather’s face. After all, with a caring grandchild like you, what more would he want than health?
Mandarin: 万事如意 (Wàn Shì Rú Yì)
Hokkien: Ban See Ru Yi
Cantonese: Man Si Yu Yee
For grandparents embarking on anything new, this blessing wishes them luck and success for their new line dancing class at your friendly neighbourhood CC.
Hokkien: Sui Sui Peng An
Cantonese: Soi Soi Peng On
This one is for the families who need the peace and quiet amidst the chaos of life. Wish your grandparents some peace and quiet… then give a resounding yum seng (cheers) to their long life!
Hokkien: Hee Kee Eyo Eyo
Cantonese: Hei Yuong Yuong
A punny one – “yang” means goat in chinese and it’s the year of the goat. If you’re up to the challenge, use this instead of the basics to score extra points and maybe a bigger ang pao.
Hokkien: Leng Beh Jieng Sin
Cantonese: Long Ma Jheng San
If your grandparents are especially frail, here’s the steroids of Chinese New Year greetings. Energise them with the spirit of your youth by enthusiastically greeting them with this phrase.
Mandarin: 大吉大利 (Dà Jí Dà Lì)
Hokkien: Dai Kiat Dai Li
Cantonese: Dai Khat Dai Lei
Some people want it all so you just gotta give it all with this blessing! Keep the family coffers and your ah ma’s biscuit tin filled with four simple words.
As we celebrate Chinese New Year and collect our ang paos, we should remember the hardships the Pioneer Generation had to endure. And despite all that they’ve been through, many of them are still constantly worried about us!
We can alleviate their worries. If they haven’t already checked, the Pioneer Generation card was sent to every Pioneer’s home address by September 2014. With this card, Pioneers will enjoy special subsidies for MediShield Life Premiums, easing the financial burden on potential medical expenses.
Help them worry less. This Chinese New Year, remind the Pioneers in your family that they can use their Pioneer Generation Card for more affordable visits to the doctor, whether for basic checkups or treatments.
Here’s a heart-warming video to help you do just that!
More information about the Pioneer Generation Card can be found here.
Everyone at The Smart Local wishes you a Happy Chinese New Year!
This post was brought to you by the Pioneer Generation Taskforce.
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