10 Ways Pet Expo 2016 Will Make You A Better Pet Owner This Year

It’s all about you and your best furry friend

Bobo the skateboarding dog showing off his stuff at Pet Expo 2014. Source

When life knocks us down, our furry (or feathered) pals will always be there for us. No day ends without a hug or a lick from the ones who’ll guard your secret as if their lives depend on it, though that might just be because they can’t talk.

For all the years they’ve been there for you, your pets deserve more than just a loyalty card. It’s time for you to return the favour – it’s time for you to become a better pet owner.

There’s no better place to pick up new tips and tricks than at the Pet Expo. Aside from meeting fellow members of the pet-owning club, learn from the experts just what you can do to make sure you’re giving your pet the best.

With a ton of seminars, workshops, contests, and talks going on, here are 10 ways Pet Expo will make you into a better pet owner.


1. Learn the secrets behind ‘Catification’


‘Catification’ is the process of creating an environment that’s stimulating for pet cats, a way of resolving common cat behaviour issues, and there’s no better person to learn from than Jackson Galaxy, The Cat Daddy.

Host of the hit Animal Planet series ‘My Cat From Hell’, Jackson is cat whisperer extraordinaire, who has helped countless people resolve issues with their naughty kitties. Whether you’ve got a feline who’s hell-bent on scratching every piece of furniture in the house, or a kitty cat that’s more of a scaredy cat, he’ll tell you what you need to do.

Through the use of holistic remedies and even some home decor adjustments, Jackson will explain why cats do the things they do, how we can resolve some of their headache-inducing behaviours, as well as how we can turn our home into a space that’s not only good for the kitties, but for us as well. Pika, you in?

You could even stand a chance to have a Meet and Greet session with him by participating in Pet Expo’s contest! If you want to snag some photo opportunities with this celebrity cat whisperer, this is your chance.

Meet and Greet with Jackson Galaxy
Date: 25 Mar, Fri
Time: 4:00 pm
Place: Pet Expo, Stage Area

Catification with Jackson Galaxy
Date: 26 Mar, Sat
Time: 10:30 am, 3:30 pm
Place: Max Atria, Singapore Expo
Ticket Price: $88, $68, $48
Get your tickets online via Sistic.

There’s also a special discount code specially for TSL readers: enter promo code 5OFFJG2016 and get $5 off the ticket price. Don’t say we never jio!

2. Get PET-ducated

It’s impossible to leave the Pet Expo without expanding your knowledge on the world of pets. Tons of seminars are scheduled throughout the Expo, so look through the programme and take your pick!

The word seminar itself scares everyone away, but don’t worry, the ones here at Pet Expo are filled with fun games, hands-on activities, and live demonstrations with our furry or feathered pals!

Get your notepads and pens ready – you’ll find the advice from the specialists to be super useful and worth jotting down. Learn skills such as how to detect and manage your pets’ allergies, which might explain why your cat’s been acting weird around that potted plant your mother gave you for your birthday.

Other seminars also offer helpful information on topics such as pet dental hygiene, or shed light on diseases like Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease, a common illness that many are unaware of.

And for those having a dilemma about spaying their pet, it’s time to ditch Wikipedia and other iffy online resources. Get your answers from the seminar by Dr Eugene Lin – a veterinarian and surgeon with over a decade of experience. Put your mind at ease as you find out about the modern technology which ensures a less painful procedure for your beloved pet.

With the various seminars touching on pet topics across the board, Pet Expo is the ideal place to get your dose of veterinary knowledge, so you can be there when your pets need you most.

Click here for the full list of seminars.

3. Transform your dog into a trick dog star

Here’s one for all those limelight-lovin’ pooches! If you always wanted your pup to be able to do more than just sit, lie down, and roll over, here’s how you can transform him into a trick door star.

Guided by Michelle Chan, head trainer of an established dog training school Pup Pup N Away, prepare yourself for some intense training that will turn your pup into a superstar, and leave you with a sense of satisfaction when your fluffy one weaves between your legs with supermodel catwalk grace.

Remember when hula hoops were “in” years ago? Dig out those hoops from the 2000s’ again, because your pup will be itching to jump through some after learning this trick at the Expo.


Like any performer after a spectacular show, your pup will also be trained to take a bow. Is that applause I hear?

Be A Trick Dog Star!
Date: 25 Mar, Fri
Time: 6:30 pm
Place: Pet Expo, Stage Area
Sign up for the workshop here!

4. Have tons of fun with games and contests

Do you and your furry companion have a competitive streak? If yes, pit yourself against other teams of man-and-pet to see who will emerge victorious.

There are a huge variety of contests available for you and your pup – want to prove that you’ve got the best-behaved dog who can withstand even the greatest temptation? Sign up for the Temptation Trail Challenge to test the limits of your canine companion’s self-control.

And for the wannabe showdogs who are all about fancy tricks and sassy style, be sure to join Best Tricks Master For Dogs where you can show the world just what your dog can do. Jumping through hoops? Playing dead? This is your chance to shine.

But if your pup specialises in speed, it’s time to take part in a good, old-fashioned dog race against others of the same breed. There are six dog races happening at Pet Expo at the main stage area, and each will be a display of lightning-fast pups.

Here’s the full list of when each breed has their race:

25 Mar, Fri

  • Dachshund Race, 5:00pm
  • Shiba Inu Race, 5:30pm
  • Siberian Husky Race, 6:00pm

26 Mar, Sat

  • French Bulldog Race, 6:30pm
  • Miniature Schnauzer Race, 7:00pm
  • Labrador Race, 7:30pm

If you don’t own a dog, fret not. Hamster owners, if you suspect that your hamster has been secretly eating double its share of food because it’s getting way too huge, sign up for the Biggest Hamster in Singapore contest to see if it really is the biggest of them all.


Be sure to register in advance if you and your pet want to strut your stuff! No walk-ins will be entertained unless there are vacancies on the day itself, so book your spot ASAP.

Underdog or not, you and your bff (best furry friend) will have a whale of a time.

Click here for the full list of contests, as well as the registration forms for each one.

5. Attend an exclusive all-white “pawty”

At first glance, this event seems terribly isolating. It’s like some fancy, members-only club only for pets with the purest, pristine fur. They have to be absolutely white – no spots and patches allowed!

But there’s a very good reason why such an exclusive gathering is taking place. A snow white Pomeranian may not seem any different from one with a caramel brown coat, but there are some key differences.

White pets are far more susceptible to illnesses like skin cancer, due to the lack of pigmentation in their fur, which acts as a shield from the sun! Additionally, grooming an all-white animal requires more time and the use of special shampoos in order to maintain their snowy appearance.

A groomer will be on hand to tell you how to care for your fluffy white friend, as well as a vet, who will share some common health problems faced by animals with white fur and how you can prevent them.

If you have a fluffy white friend, bring them down to this “pawty” – I’m sure it’ll be a blast.

The White Pawty!
Date: 26 Mar, Sat
Time: 4:00 pm
Place: Pet Expo, Stage Area

Join in the fun by submitting photos online, and stand a chance to win the Top 5 Most Popular White Pets photo on Facebook contest!

6. Take pet grooming into your own hands

No one minds a little primping session – your pets are no exception. Looking good is key to feeling good, and the grooming workshop will get your pet all ready and dolled up for pet prom.

Owners out there who shed their own blood and sweat grooming their pet – you have my respect. Only those who have tried it will understand the pain. Most of us just give up and and send them to grooming salons – getting Fluffy into the bath is like Mission Impossible VIII.

But it’s time to take things into our own hands and learn the fundamentals of pet primping. DIY grooming has never been so easy! Starting with a 30 minute theory lesson followed by a practical session, you’ll leave with your pet so spiffy, Marriott Hotel might just let them in.

Do remember to pack your own basic dog/bunny grooming kit! Alternatively, you can purchase a new set at a discounted rate when you’re at the Pet Expo.

Basic Rabbit Grooming
Date: 27 Mar, Sun
Time: 4:30 pm
Place: Pet Expo, PET-ducation Room

7. Admire Singapore’s finest canines and felines

Treat your eyes to a showcase of Singapore’s finest canines and felines at the Pet Expo! Stop by the various cat and dog shows – it’s not everyday that we can set our eyes on pets of such incredible style

With the Easter CFA Cat Show 2016 and SKC (Singapore Kennel Club) Grooming Examination & 3rd AGF Grooming Competition going on concurrently, there’s something for both cat and dog lovers.


From the utterly adorable to the absolutely glamorous, these lovable creatures will steal the show, and steal your heart.

If just looking at these adorable balls of fluff isn’t enough, witness the insane agility of canines at the SKC Jumping Championships.

Leaping over hurdles and dashing through the course, this competition, starring talented little munchkins, is bound to send everyone into a flurry of excitement.

SKC Grooming Examination & 3rd AGF Grooming Competition
Date: 25 Mar, Fri
Time: 11:00 am
Place: Pet Expo, Stage Area

Easter CFA Cat Show
Date: 25 Mar, Fri
Time: 11:00 am
Place: Pet Expo, Training Ground

SKC Jumper Championship Trial Competition
Date: 26 Mar, Sat
Time: 11:00 am
Place: Pet Expo, Training Ground

SKC Championship Dog Show
Date: 27 Mar, Sun
Time: 11:00 am
Place: Pet Expo, Training Ground

8. Leave with a new friend


Speed-dating is an experience I never want to repeat, but I’ll make an exception for some adorable balls of fur.

That’s right – how about looking for a new companion at an adoption drive, speed-dating style?

After attending all the seminars at Pet Expo, you’ll probably be equipped with a ton of new knowledge on how to be the best pet owner ever. And if there’s room in your heart (and house) to take in a fluffy friend, this is your opportunity to do so.

This is the second time AVA is holding a speed-dating adoption drive at Pet Expo, and there’ll be at least 30 animals up for adoption, from cats to dogs and even rabbits. Featuring animals from 11 different organisations, such as SPCA, the Cat Welfare Society, House Rabbit Society Of Singapore, and many others, this is your chance to find someone who completes you.

If you’ve been searching for a fluffy friend who will bring joy to your life, why not sit yourself down and open your heart? Who knows, you may find The One staring at you with big blue eyes nestled in a head full of fur.

On a serious note, please be sure that you’re willing and capable of taking on all the responsibilities of being a pet owner. A pet is a lifelong companion, so make sure you’re in it for the long haul.

9. Let your pet be a hero


If your cat or dog has the makings of a hero, this is their chance to save a life. While Singapore has no blood bank for animals, there are unfortunately always pets that require a blood transfusion, whether due to sickness or major accidents and injuries.

If you’d like your pet to perform the lifesaving act of donating blood, why not sign them up to be a blood donor? They’ll be part of a team of dogs and cats who are come to the rescue in the event there’s another pet who needs blood to fight for its life.

The blood transfusion process for dogs and cats is very similar to that of humans – just note that if your pet’s the fidgety sort, it may have to be restrained or sedated in order to prevent it from hurting itself during the transfusion.

If you’re still feeling iffy about it, Dr Samantha Fong from the Mount Pleasant Veterinary Group will be at Pet Expo to share more information, and there’ll be two families, one donor dog and one recipient dog, who’ll give us a first hand account of their experiences

.This is your time to let your heroic companion shine – your furry friend will be doing a great service to the animal world!

Blood Donation – Your Dog Can Be A Lifesaver
Date: 26 Mar, Sat
Time: 1:00 pm
Place: Pet Expo, Stage Area

10. Learn how hydrotherapy and TCM can help your pets


Much like how humans can benefit from alternative therapy, the same goes for your furry companion. Attend a Masterclass Conference that discusses the holistic management of the health of your four-legged friends. A group of experienced veterinarians and practitioners will share the uses of different types of therapies that will benefit your pet.

The topics covered by this masterclass are intriguing and varied. From a talk on the importance of water, the world’s most forgotten nutrient, to discussions about hormone therapy and the use of hydrotherapy, it’s an insight into the world of alternative veterinary practices.


There’s even a talk on the rationale behind veterinary TCM, and one about the use of acupuncture and TCM to treat illnesses like brain tumours. I didn’t even know that was possible to do acupuncture on dogs, but clearly I was wrong.

This Masterclass is targeted both at pet industry professionals, and also at pet owners! If you want to know how alternative therapy can do your pets a world of good, as well as how you can use these techniques at home, be sure to join in for what will surely be an eye-opening experience.

Masterclass Conference: The Science and Application of Animal Rehabilitation Therapies
Date: 26 & 27 Mar, Sat & Sun
Time: 11:00 am
Place: Pet Expo, PET-ducation Room
Ticket Price: $58
Get your tickets online here!

An owner, a lifelong friend


Look no further for the ultimate bonding time with your pets, while learning more about them at the Pet Expo!

With pet specialists and veterinarians around, you can finally get answers to those questions you can’t trust Google to answer. Plus, the bond between you and your furry friend will be stronger than ever after 3 days of fun-filled activities. If you’re looking to do some shopping, Pet Expo has over 75 exhibitors selling the newest pet products in the market. These are good deals you don’t want to miss out on! You snooze, you lose. 


Take a break from the grind of life, and give your pawsome buddies your undivided attention! While participating in fun activities at the Pet Expo that are totally different from your daily routine, make new friends and enjoy yourselves.

And even if you don’t have a pet, Pet Expo 2016 is for you too. For only $4 for a 1-day pass or $10 for a 3 day pass (only available online), it’s the perfect opportunity to be surrounded by adorable animals without commitment until you’re ready.

Be sure to like Pet Expo on Facebook and follow them on Instagram for the latest updates to the furriest, most fabulous, event of the year.

Get your tickets for Pet Expo 2016 now!

Pet Expo 2016
Date: 25th – 27th March 2016 (Fri – Sun)
Time: 11 am – 8 pm
Venue: Singapore Expo Hall 7
Admission: $4 per day, $10 for three-day pass (online purchase only)

This post was brought to you by Pet Expo 2016.

Stefanie Yeo

Sometimes I think our human existence is futile, but then I eat a really good steak and things start looking up.

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