Categories: Beauty & Wellness

5 Health Apps That Pay You Cash When You Exercise

Earn extra cash when you work out

Exercise – whether you love it or hate it, we all need it. And while some Singaporeans already have their workout routines, it’s still an ongoing battle against procrastination for the rest of us. 

Nothing motivates us kiasu peeps better than freebies, so if you’re tired of making little progress in the battle, here are 5 health apps that actually give you real cash when you work out – with no strings attached. And if you’re already a health nut who works your muscles regularly, you can now earn extra money on the side. Kaching!

1. Runister – earn for every 1.6km ran

Image adapted from: @fon.hoon

Whether you’re an avid runner who trains for long distances consistently, or are simply gearing up for your first ever half-marathon, Runister is for you – every 1.6km you cover gets converted into $0.11 which you can later on cash out through PayPal.

It might seem like an insignificant payoff at first, but a 10km run thrice a week gives you over $2. and when multiplied by the number of weeks you’ll be training, it’s a pretty good deal.

Image adapted from: iTunes

Runister funds itself by monetising survey results, so in order for your runs to qualify for cashback, you’ll need to answer some questions related to your lifestyle. There won’t be any privacy infringement and unwanted advertisements though, because your answers aren’t linked your name or email.

But take note – make sure to run outdoors, because the app uses a GPS system to track your route and won’t register miles covered on a treadmill. 

Note: There is a minimum withdrawal amount of 5 USD ($6.80). 

Download Runister from the App Store here.

2. Dietbet – bet on your weight loss goals

Image credit: iTunes

Great for those who prefer engaging fitness classes like barre and boxing over running, DietBet tracks only your weight, leaving you free to get fit however you like. All you’ll have to do is to enter an existing “game” or create your own, decide on a bet amount, and meet the weight loss goal to get your cash. 

DietBet makes weight loss fun by turning your challenges into “games”.
Image credit: iTunes

There are 3 different types of “games” available, each with a different weight loss goal
Image credit: DietBet

If you do hit the goal, you’ll get to split the pot of money with others who’ve also won in the same “game”, and cash out via PayPal. With pots hitting up to thousands of dollars, it’s not at all impossible to walk away with a prize larger than your initial bet. Wink.

You can’t be shy when it comes to using this app though – in order to prevent cheating, there’ll be regular weigh-ins with DietBet Referees that’ll require you to take photos of yourself on a weighing scale. Considering the prize on the line, that’s a pretty small price to pay! 

Download DietBet from the App Store and Google Play here. 

3. StepBet – take leisurely walks and hikes for the ka-ching

Image credit: Google Play

If you hate to break a sweat, but still want to lead a healthy lifestyle and don’t mind going on long leisurely walks – or even a hike up Bukit Timah Hill – make use of StepBet. Created by the same developer as DietBet, this health app also lets you bet on the number of steps taken, and cash out via PayPal.

Because StepBet syncs with activity trackers like FitBit, Google Fit, and Apple Health, you can be assured that there’ll be no cheaters winning undeserved money from the pot, and personalised step goals will be tailored for you in every “game” you participate in.

With the 2 types of goals each week – Active Days and Stretch Days – being a breeze to complete, you won’t want to miss out on this easy money-making opportunity. All you’ll have to do is to make some simple switches like taking the stairs instead of the lift, and go out for walks or some window-shopping even, instead of always staying in. 

Download StepBet on App Store and Google Play here. 

4. RunBet – easy paced challenges for indoor and outdoor running

Great for leisure and first-time runners, RunBet only require their users to keep up a relaxed pace of at least 12.5 mins/km when running – that’s like taking 30 minutes for your 2.4 NAPFA run. This works in a similar way to Dietbet and Stepbet too – just hit your target and cash out your share of the money pot via PayPal. 

The only difference is that with RunBet, challenges are already fixed with running schedules planned out as a guide for those who aren’t sure how to pace themselves – pick one that you fancy and you’re all set to go. 

Image credit: @creatingstrong

Here’s the best part – RunBet allows indoor running as well, so you can clock in your miles rain or shine, park or gym. Simply use their partnered activity tracker, Runkeeper, to track your workout, take a photo of the treadmill monitor, give the referees a sweaty selfie, and you’re all set!

Download RunBet on App Store and Google Play here.

5. HealthyWage – hit your weight loss target and earn up to $10k

You can form teams with your friends and pit against others for the grand prize of $10k
Image adapted from: Google Play and iTunes

High ballers, heads up – HealthyWage’s top prize for losing weight can reach up to an astounding $10k. Users simply have to place a wager on their weight loss goals, and when that’s met, you’ll be rewarded with cash prizes that can be withdrawn via PayPal. 

If it sounds too high-stakes for you, opt for a challenge with a smaller bet of around $10 – $20, and a prize of about $1k. There are a total of 4 types in HealthyWage, ranging from team and individual challenges, to step and weight loss contests over a shared pot of money. 

Have your reward tailored accordingly to your weight loss goals

The prize money for individual challenges are calculated via an algorithm that factors in your weight, BMI, bet amount, and given time for the challenge. When you find yourself coming up short on the goal, just up your bet to buy yourself some “extra time” and you’ll be back in the running for the prize. 

With great prizes comes great security checks – for HealthyWage’s weigh-ins, you’ll need to either take a short video of yourself stepping onto the weighing scale, or let its referees witness you do it real-time. 

Note: To avoid encouraging unhealthy yo-yo weight loss from repeatedly binge eating and starving, once you’ve won a prize of $500 or more, your next challenge can only start if your weight remains at that personal best. 

Download HealthyWage on App Store and Google Play here.

Cash out while you work out

Leading a healthy and active lifestyle is often easier said than done. We determinedly set it as our new year’s resolution, and as the year end draws to a near, we realise we’re nowhere near our goal – much to our chagrin. 

But as the saying goes, it’s better late than never, so before the holiday weight gain happens, make some progress on that resolution with these 5 health apps with cashback that’ll give you the extra drive you need. Now go forth and get fit! 

Chan Choyyu

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