Getting rid of toxic people

August 15, 2012

I can see straight through you like a cheap piece of broken acrylic - because glass is too metaphorical. Conversing…

Good or Not? KFC Hot Devil Drumlets

August 7, 2012

GOOD OR NOT?: McDonald's Spicy Chicken McNuggets In my "Good Or Not?" series I take a very quick look at…

Gardens by the Bay with Panorama

August 7, 2012

Gardens by the Bay 18 Marina Gardens Drive Singapore 018953 About Gardens by the Bay is Singapore's latest attraction which…

Best Singapore Groupon Sites

August 6, 2012

Groupons have been very popular in Singapore for awhile now, but for those who are just getting in the groupon…

We Are All Sponges

July 17, 2012

  I have been experiencing one of those soulful introspection's lately. Then again, I always do, there always something to think about, to ponder…

First review: Eatzi Gourmet

July 6, 2012

Hey everyone, I'm pretty new here. I decided to start a blog because that's what I do best and it…

My spiderman review!

July 2, 2012

  So Spiderman can out last week! Here is my short blog on it :) Warning: Spoilers below! Pros: Emma…

Movies Watched This Week!

May 31, 2012

Two movies opened recently, here are my reviews of them which may come in handy if you're thinking of watching…

Singapore Culture & Lifestyle

May 9, 2012

Various Must Know Culture Tid-BitsSocial Elders are often addressed as "Uncle" and "Auntie" as a form of respect although they…