H February 19, 2013
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< $20

Schick, the brand of shaver that one must simply try. It served itself as a worthy competitor of the internationally recognised brand of shavers, Gillette. Spotted in Singapore recently in the racks of Watsons, NTUCs and sometimes even Guardians. It is equipped with a moisturising device and your shaving journey with Schick is said to be smooth sailing. Literally. Similar to Gilettes batch of shavers, Schick arms itself with an equivalently wide variety of shavers within it's stocks too. Schick also prides itself with it's ability to rejuvenate and inject tranquility amongst fellow users with it's razor bladed gadgets. Apparently, they morphed what used to be seen as a tiresome 'chore' into a habitual 'joy'. Try Schick. Truly remarkable. Applicable to all genders. Amazingly affordable too. It's price range are a far cry from the over priced Gilette ones.


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