- Singapore
- Shops & Businesses
- Electronics, CPUs & Music
- Music
- Studios
- AMG studios
AMG studios
September 23, 2012
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Average Price Range:
< $50
A company dedicated to music and music related events or gig opportunities .
We establish ourselves as an up and coming organization cultivating evrything related to the love for music which includes the following :
- Operationally Running Rehearsal Studios ( Singapore , Asia )
- Organizing Music / Performing Bands of various genres - Thrash/Black/Death/Pop
- Providing Amplification and Other Sta
ge Equipment Rental Services & Live Sound
- Hold and Coorganize Music Gigs with other organizers within the Asia Region for
performing artist the world over .
- Our Motto " "Making Progress , Moving Forward !!"
- Hold and Coorganize Music Gigs with other organizers within the Asia Region for
performing artist the world over .
- Our Motto " "Making Progress , Moving Forward !!"
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