Australian International School

M February 28, 2013
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Australian International School

The Australian International School (AIS), in Singapore is a co-educational international school in Singapore. AIS is made up of two sub-schools; an Elementary School and a Secondary School. The Elementary School includes Preschool, Junior School (P-Y2) and Primary School (Y3-Y5), each of these has its own Head of School that reports in to an overall Head of Elementary. The Secondary School includes Year 6 to Year 12 and operates under the Head of Secondary School.

In 2007 the school adopted the International Baccalaureate (IB) Primary Years Program (PYP) and in 2009 the IB Middle Years Program (MYP) for Years 6 - 9.[2] The IB curriculum is taught in conjunction with New South Wales Board of Studies syllabuses. Final year students take the New South Wales Board of Studies Higher School Certificate examinations. From 2013 AIS will implement the IGCSE curriculum and examinations for Years 9 and 10.


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