Two Chefs Eating Place

F April 16, 2012
3.9 (12)
923 2
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Two Chefs Eating Place
6472 5361

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Opening Hours:
5pm - 1130pm

Squirrelled away in the heart of an HDB warren is this in-the-know zhi-char joint, where generations come together to feast on old-fashioned fare like smoky coffee ribs, thickly sauced tofu braised with tiny pinheaded mushrooms, butterpork ribs and excellent salted fish fried rice that’s showered with fried anchovies. The dishes – which come in super-sized portions, even the small orders – come out fast and furious, while the matronly and scarily efficient Cantonese- speaking staff could teach everyone in town a thing or two about service.


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12 reviews

3 stars
2 stars
1 star
Overall rating 
Food / Beverage 
4.5  (9)
3.1  (9)
3.3  (9)
4.2  (9)
Overall Score 
4.3  (12)
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