Iris House Hotel

P August 14, 2013
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683 2
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Iris House Hotel
605-4911818 / 605-4912818 Email Website Facebook Page

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This hotel is located a few minutes walk away from the main Brinchang town and the pasar malam.

mere few minutes' walk to the main Brinchang town and the ever popular night market or rather the locals call it ‘pasar malam’. - See more at:
mere few minutes' walk to the main Brinchang town and the ever popular night market or rather the locals call it ‘pasar malam’. - See more at:
mere few minutes' walk to the main Brinchang town and the ever popular night market or rather the locals call it ‘pasar malam’. - See more at:
mere few minutes' walk to the main Brinchang town and the ever popular night market or rather the locals call it ‘pasar malam’. - See more at:

mere few minutes' walk to the main Brinchang town and the ever popular night market or rather the locals call it ‘pasar malam’. - See more at:

mere few minutes' walk to the main Brinchang town and the ever popular night market or rather the locals call it ‘pasar malam’. - See more at:


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