Scrambling to put together a last minute Halloween outfit? Here are some costume ideas that will cost you close to nothing. All of them are also inspired by familiar characters we know and love or, in some cases, love to hate. We’ll leave it to you to figure out which is which…
See how many references your friends will be able to recognise without you saying anything!
If you’d prefer something a tad spookier, nothing amps up the fear factor of any regular outfit that a splash of fake blood, drawn-on wounds and plenty of dark makeup around your eyes. Take these costumes up a notch by presenting the remixed, Halloween version.
This colourful and utterly adorable set of outfits will allow you and your buddies to spread the good word of graciousness on MRT trains. #Squadgoals, am I right?
Get them here: Top: DC Shoes Singapore | Snapback: Bugis Street | Shoes: Nike or Royal Sporting House | Soccer ball: Giant Hypermart | Pants:
If you happen to be decked out in sports fashion on a day-to-day basis, this costume will be a breeze for you to put together. Just grab a soccer ball at the side, throw on a pair of purple jeans and call it a day.
Get them here: Yellow sunglasses: | Dress: Bugis Street | Beaded necklace: Bugis Street | Handbag: | Earphones: Challenger
The key to this costume lies in the two pigtails. Don’t you even pretend, we know you’ve been itching for the perfect excuse to rock this hairstyle in public since you first grew out of it in kindergarten. Now’s your chance!
Get them here: Top: Royal Sporting House | Pants: Royal Sporting House | Glasses: | Watch: Sky Watches | Shoes: New Look | Flower hair clip: Chamelon
This sporty-cute costume has so much purple in it, even Justin Bieber wouldn’t mind standing up and giving up his seat to those who need it more. If he actually happens to take the MRT in this lifetime, that is…
Get them here: Top: Bugis Street | Pants: Uniqlo | Glasses: Bugis Street | Ceramic tumbler: Action City
Guys, you’ll need to coif your hair like you’ve never coiffed it before. Dig deep into your pots of hair wax, clay, gel. Whatever it takes to achieve the true crowning heights of glory!
Get them here: Wig: GirlHairDo | Top: OG | Pants: OG | Shoes: Mimosa | Gold chains: Chamelon
Time to ransack your mum and grandmother’s wardrobes for a selection of classic “auntie fashion”. You’ll need to carry multiple shopping bags for this costume, so go ahead and treat yourself to a shopping spree for the purpose of stuffing said bags so that they look realistic. Also, you’ll get to reuse Give-Way Glenda’s wig of bountiful curls for one of the characters in our next point!
Be sure to check out our rendition of the Thoughtfulness campaign tune, “A Better Ride For You And Me”, for even more inspiration.
If it isn’t the beloved trio from Mediacorp’s Emmy-nominated news parody show, The Noose. I’ve always been amazed by Michelle Chong’s ability to breathe life into such a series of diverse yet equally animated characters. Round up your girlfriends and see if you all can do the same!
Get them here: Wig: GirlHairDo | Head scarf: Chamelon | Spaghetti strap top: Bugis Street | Netted shawl: OG
Channel the affable mainland Chinese lass by saying “trick or treat” in the signature accent. However, we do not recommend growing out thick tufts of armpit hair for the sake of making this costume as accurate as possible… there’s a certain line even when it comes to artistic commitment.
Get them here: Tube dress: | Clip-on bangs: | Necklace: Bugis Street | Headband: Chamelon
Time to dig out that va-va-voom dress that’s been collecting dust in your closet since prom! Bangs are also essential for this look so if you don’t have a short fringe, we recommend purchasing clip-on ones online. Trust me, wearing that crop of fake hair on your forehead will be an experience in itself and who knows? It might even inspire you to make the chop for real afterwards!
Get them here: Top: Giant Hypermart | Pants: Giant Hypermart | Slippers: Daiso | Army field pack: Half the population has one, just be resourceful. | Hair clip: Chamelon
This costume features the most lepak clothing pieces ever. You could’ve just rolled out of bed with only a hulking army field pack on your shoulders and your friends would be none the wiser. Don’t forget to greet them by saying “Goot morrning, sirr. Goot morrning, ma’am.” And ask if they’d like for you to make them some Milo.
Don’t retire the magnificent Give-Way Glenda/Lulu wig just yet! We have yet another look for you that requires a luscious head of curly locks. Some of us groaned at each new mention of his name on the news while others found him a strangely endearing advocate for freedom of speech.
No matter how you feel about this precocious teen, there’s no denying that Amos Yee became a public icon this year. Recreate Infamous Amos’ court outfit with pieces you probably already have in your closet. Pajamas, are they called?
Get them here: Wig: GirlHairDo | Top: Giordano | Pants: Uniqlo | Cardigan: Factorie | Shoulder bag: ASOS
Pssst…there’s a TSL video for this look too, starring our very own Fauzi.
Watch out for Amos Zee’s appearance at the 02:12 mark.
To perfect his look, grab a banana from the kitchen before you head out. You’ll get your daily dose of potassium at the same time! Fauzi would be proud.
Better known as the dreaded “summon aunties”. All local drivers would be able to relate to how the sight of this seemingly innocuous auntie can strike fear in our hearts. The uniform shirt – which is actually pretty stylish in my opinion – can be purchased online for about twenty bucks.
Summons aunties usually march around authoritatively with their trusty ticketing machine in hand, but you can replace it with any similarly-shaped device. Like the graphic calculators we used in school! Yay for recycling.
Get them here: Sun hat: Uniqlo or ASOS | Ticketing machine: substitute with calculator ormaker | Top: | White gloves: any costume shop | Black satchel: Bugis street
Before there was Troy and Gabriella, Katniss and Peeta, or any other modern on-screen couples, Phua Chu Kang and Rosie were our ultimate OTP (that’s “one true pairing”, by the way). Time to round up your bae and reminisce the good ol’ days when this show was still on. You guys will be the cutest couple at any Halloween party!
The star of this look is, of course, the famous bright yellow work boots. Complete with any old white dress shirt and black pants and the all-important element of garish gold jewellery. If you want to go all-out, you can also stick on a fake mole and…grow out that grossly long pinky nail on one finger. *shudders*
Get them here: Top: OG | Pants: Bugis Street | Earrings: Chamelon | Necklace: Bugis Street | Bangles: Lovisa | Eyeshadow: Daiso | Lipstick: Sephora
Rosie’s aesthetic is characterised by floral prints, pants in bright hues and a whole selection of tacky plastic jewellery. Think gaudy, as much as possible! Finish off with a bright red lipstick and as many cheap eyeshadow colours you can physically cram into the space of your eyelids.
Otherwise known as the rag and bone man, they provide the all-too-familiar sounds of a horn tooting and their “karang guni, boh zua tien see kee (rag and bone, newspaper and tv)!” chant. Outfit-wise, throw on a baggy old polo t-shirt and bermudas.
You have to get your hands on a functioning trolley on which you pile stacks of cardboard, newspapers, and magazines for this to work. At least you’ll provide some fun transportation for your friends if you guys get tired of walking!
Get them here: Top: Giordano | Pants: Hang Ten | Horn: Carousell | Trolley: Horme Hardware | Cardboard and newspaper stacks: Ask any hoarder you know.
Miss Singapore Universe 2008 wore a merlion-inspired dress and it was simply stunning. Our budgets don’t really allow for fancy custom-made dresses, so the best bet would be to throw together clothing pieces that are fish scale (read: mermaid) patterned. Top it off with some lion headgear. Depending on your resourcefulness and whether you have the cash to splash, it can range from a basic DIY lion mask to a full-on lion hat.
Get them here: Mermaid top: | Mermaid leggings: | Mermaid skirt: | Mermaid shoes: | Lion hat DIY: DeviantArt | Lion mask DIY: First Palette
You can also walk around spewing water at your friends, if you wish. Choose NEWater for maximum patriotic effect.
What’s a Singaporean Halloween costume list without our founder himself? The outfit is pretty straightforward, just a white dress shirt with collar ruffles, a black trench coat and trousers tucked into knee-high boots. To seal the deal, however, you have to perfect the iconic pose. From the authoritative posture to the slight tilt at an angle, prepare to break out into this stance numerous times throughout the night when people question what your costume is supposed to be.
Get them here: Top: G2000 | Pants: Uniqlo | Coat: H&M | Boots:
The unsung heroes of our everyday life, hawker stall owners toil over a hot stove in cramped spaces all day to provide us with affordable yet delicious local food that we love. Celebrate their tireless efforts by donning a simple white singlet and plastic apron, toting around a satay fan, and draping a traditional Good Morning tea towel around your neck to mop away those pearls of sweat.
Get them here: Singlet: Giant Hypermart | Apron: NTUC Fairprice | Fan: NTUC Fairprice | Towel:
There has never been a better time to pay tribute to the People’s Action Party than now. Were you one of the supporters who helped PAP achieve a landslide victory in the General Elections where they had close to 70% of the total votes? This costume is as simple as it gets, and there’s no excuse for you not to show your undying love for the lightning party. All white, top to toe, with a PAP flyer in hand and an orchid lei around your neck. Voila!
Get them here: Top: G2000 | Pants: G2000: | Belt: G2000 | Orchid lei: Daiso or Spotlight | Flyer: Design your own.
Whether you need a costume to gain entry to a Halloween party or you’re planning on going trick-or-treating around your HDB neighbourhood, local is the way to go. Steer away from the boring old costumes that have been worn to absolute death over the years.
Perhaps you’ve secretly desired to dress up as the SMRT Thoughtfulness mascots gang, and this is the perfect opportunity to get all your friends to join in the fun.
Either way, these are some of the cheapest, easiest costumes ever that will have everyone going “awww!” when they realise how nostalgically local it is. Happy Halloween!
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It's only a 3-minute walk from the MRT station.