I like to draw attention to child-friendly venues in Singapore in this blog. No, not the indoor aircon playgrounds at Ikea Smaland or the “wet & dry” play deck at IMM Jurong East. This blog is about enjoying the great outdoor in a safe setting…at the Jacob Ballas Children’s Garden.
This children oriented venue is Asia’s first children’s garden and dedicated to all children on our shore to enjoy it. The objective is to stimulate children sense of wonder to learn and discover new things in a garden setting… and it’s a boon to parents as there is no entry fee (just the parking fee should they drive). Free does not not necessarily mean it’s sloppy in it’s offering…and Jacob Ballas is really a well-maintained garden with pockets of fun that can occupies children for a good two to three hours…
The map of the garden.
Metal sculpture at the garden entrance foyer with children oriented theme..
The Children’s Garden seeks to imbue in children, their appreciation for all things green and natural…via plants and nature..this is especially relevant in Singapore’s drive to be a city in garden and to reduce the “hard edge” of urbanization.
As the park objective is spelled out and I quoted from their website, Jacob Ballas is “developed along the theme “All Life On Earth Depends on Plants”, it is created as a unique and interactive fun place where children up to 12 years of age can discover how plants provide their daily needs. It also gives children a first introduction to the life sciences – an important branch of science as Singapore embarks on life sciences research as a new thrust for economic growth.” – extracted from Singapore Botanic Garden website.
The park is opened from 8.00am – 7.00pm (last admission at 6.30pm) and closed on Mondays (except when it falls on a designated public holiday) Children up to 12 years old are allowed but all children have to be accompanied by an adult. Seriously, any 13 years old looking a few years younger should not be turned away…
Detailed information can referred here at their official website : http://www.sbg.org.sg/bukittimahcore/ChildrenGarden.asp
The favourite among children at the garden …the tree house and double slides…
The Tree House…every children holed up in our urban landscape will love to have a one…
Lovely floral & fauna at the garden…certainly aid the esthetics of the enchanting garden
If such beauty of nature does not stimulate the child….I don’t know what will…
I believe the boys will love the flowers too…I do….I can’t stop shooting the lovely petals…
Sort of “Harry Potter” like magical trees grove… awesome to the senses…
Awesome well kept garden….just the stuff to bring to life…drawing and illustration from their textbooks..
Not just flowers…. how about “green bowling” ball on the trees….never failed to attracts the attention of children & adults alike…
Another children favourite part of the garden…the water park…great time here…but parents be reminded to bring along spare change of dry clothes to maximize enjoyment avenues for their children…And be advised- the restroom at the garden does not come with shower facility.
The sand playground….irresistible…. the feel on their feet are great tactile experience..
And when the “fuel tanks” run dry…there’s always the top-up snack kiosk at the garden entrance…
This blog is dedicated to all parents and parents to be…be sure to visit Jacob Ballas Children Garden sometime soon…you will like it too…
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