Our Christmas Past

November 23, 2012

Christmas has its routines. You consume what feels like 5 log cakes and 2 turkeys. You watch the exact same…

Born To Queue

November 22, 2012

Forgive me for the utterly cheesy line. I did just watch Skyfall afterall. And yes, I was proud that I…

Musings in a taxi ride home

November 22, 2012

One thing I realised when I was traveling in a cab home last night... I actually enjoy songs from the…

Convenience is a Singapore Habit

November 21, 2012

We're really quite pampered aren't we? We can eat out at any time of the day, on any street with…

We all have danced ballet and/or played the piano

November 20, 2012

  For some reason, they are known as the Harvard of all after school activities. In order to say you…

Progress in Progress

November 19, 2012

  This photograph was taken 7 years ago  Even though the landscape has changed drastically, the view of the sky…

Drinking Eggs and Smelling Toasts

November 18, 2012

How many of us have heard the age old phrase, "When I was younger, we never had this/did this." Every…

The Evolution on the Importance of the Tissue Packet

November 17, 2012

No matter what stage you are in life, what values you consider indispensable, or what you do in life, you will…

New Majestic Hotel Review (Closed)

November 12, 2012

New Majestic Hotel 65114700 37 Bukit Pasoh Road Singapore 089845   2017 Update: The New Majestic Hotel has announced it will…


November 10, 2012

Being away from Singapore for such a long period of time is really tough and I have already mentally created…