Singlish: Culture or Bad Habit

January 23, 2013

In Singapore, it is rare to find someone who speaks perfect British English, not even English teachers, tutors and even…

Ultimate Drive Review

January 22, 2013

About Ultimate Drive   As he saunters in, slicking his hair back and removing his shades in one swift motion,…

Homosexuality in Singapore

January 21, 2013

Homosexuality has always been a sensitive topic. I mean, who should say that homosexuality is right or wrong? Who can dictate what you…

Breakfast In Singapore

January 21, 2013

Breakfast is perhaps the most important meal of the day, being the first meal you take after a night of…

Meme Culture

January 17, 2013

Netizens have found a new way to express their feelings. All around the world, these seemingly hilarious graphic comics have…


January 16, 2013

Very soon , Certificate Of Entitlement will become Certificate Of Envy. The news today is that there will be a…

The Nokia Story–Is It Really Game Over For Them?

January 16, 2013

Many of us reading this would probably have lived through the Nokia age possessing one of their handphones. In the past, there was no…

Work place musical chair

January 16, 2013

All of us should have played musical chair before when we were children. As adults, we also play musical chair…

Work smart, not work hard.

January 16, 2013

It's the time of the year again for appraisal. I just had a face to face appraisal session with my…

Understanding Your Food: Instant Noodles

January 15, 2013

For many of us, instant noodles has impeccably become a part of life. Whether it is the immense convenience provided in terms…