Singapore Perspectives

10 Struggles Of Daily Life That People With Sensitive Skin Are All Too Familiar With

Skin So Sensitive, It Sheds Its Own Tears


Not only is it the largest organ in the human body, our skin is also the first thing people lay eyes on when they look at us. It’s a huge part of our very being, so it goes without saying that having sensitive skin would result in problems surfacing (pun intended) in our day-to-day life.

Having sensitive skin doesn’t sound super serious to most of us, but those “lucky” enough to chance upon pesky skin complications throughout the journey of life know that the burden is no fun for anyone.

There’s no catharsis quite like basking in the comforting knowledge that you are not alone in the difficulty of dermis defence. Thus presenting to all my fellow sensitive skin sufferers, 10 daily struggles we unfortunately know all too well.

1. Not being able to wear cheapo jewellery that your heart desires but your skin rejects

The bane of my bargain-loving ways: Any jewellery that comes cheap will probably cost you more in the long run. In the form of rashes and a possible infection, that is.


A little part of me dies inside every time I walk past one of those accessory boutiques with jewellery going 3 for $5. So pretty… Why can’t I have you?!

2. Spinning the rash roulette every time you try something new on your skin

Those who aren’t plagued by skin problems are free to experiment with new makeup and skincare products, willy-nilly. From a lip scrub homemade from kitchen ingredients, to the famous $2 black clay mask from Daiso. NOTHING fazes them.

Not me, though. The uncertainty of knowing whether the outcome will be inflammation, breakouts or a lethal combination of both, is an ordeal I’d rather live without.

3. A hot day basically means your body will self-destruct from inside out

How #blessed are we to live in one of the hottest, most humid countries in the world?


Stepping out of your house means scorched skin drenched with salty sweat droplets. Not only will you be working towards a full-blown peeling sunburn within a matter of minutes, perspiration wreaks all sorts of havoc and will have you scratching away at your skin like a maniac.

Happy that you’re finally getting to seek refuge in a nice, cool air-conditioned room? Trick question! The air-con dries out your skin and aggravates it even more. Congratulations, you just. Can’t. Win.

4. Spending loads of money all in the name of good skin

Besides investing in “real” jewellery and reputable cosmetics as mentioned earlier, caring for sensitive skin burns a deeper hole in your pocket than non-sufferers will ever know. Not only do you stock up on specially formulated products which are pricier due to their organic nature, the more serious cases can involve trips to the dermatologist and plenty of medication.

And to think some people are just born with flawless complexions. In the meantime, I’ll stick to my budget (aunty) method of chugging tau huay to smoothen and brighten my skin. It works, right?

5. Stress is your worst enemy and nature will send you unwelcome red alerts


The body works in wonderful ways. For example, it comes with a built-in stress alarm embedded in your skin that literally nobody asked for. Not sure if you’re feeling frazzled? The activation of extreme itching for no reason will clear your doubts.

It’s just as well that the sudden inflammation acts as a literal red alert all over your face and/or body. If glaring patches of crimson skin don’t send the message for everyone to back off during your time of distress, I don’t know what will.

6. Being shunned by the public because people think you’re diseased

Annoying as it may be, sensitive skin is generally a tame condition that is by no means life-threatening. Also, the last time I checked, it isn’t contagious. So it hurts all the more when people around you take one glance at the affected areas on your skin and proceed to back away like you’ve got a viral disease. Or horrible B.O.

Navigating through life with the physical imperfections is bad enough. It sure would help if the public stops finding it necessary to keep a 5-metre radius from us at all times, complete with the scrunched up face and an expression of pity mixed with disgust.

7. Everything hurts.

To all my dear friends out there who have no sensitive skin troubles, let me paint you a picture.


Imagine the daily pain where layers of dry skin flaking off to expose raw flesh. Yeah, “ouch” is right!

The itch will be unbearable, so you debate within yourself whether it’s worth the temporary relief of scratching it only to amplify the subsequent pains tenfold.

You know that searing pain where water comes into contact with wounds beneath broken skin? Well, say hello to your new worst nightmare: HAND SANITIZER.

8. Try as you may, concealing will only make it worse


It’s tough to strut around in public sporting physical evidence of your ghastly skin condition. “Just cover it up with some concealer”, you say. “Problem solved!”. WRONG.

Much like the dreaded zit that sprouts upon your face every now and then, burying the already affected area under chemicals is a huge no-no. Not only are you robbing it of the ability to “breathe” and heal naturally, the cocktail of synthetic ingredients will exacerbate your poor skin’s condition to the point of no return.

9. Every time you think you’ve shaken it off, it comes back to haunt you


Like a wave of horror that crests and falls, sensitive skin issues may re-enter your life in varying degrees of severity. The feeling of utter victory when your skin finally heals is no less than over-the-moon exhilarating. Don’t celebrate too much though, it’s probably not the last you’ve seen of it.

The worst is when you’ve barely had time to let your scars fade before the new onset of flare-ups and reactions appear on the horizon. And there you were feeling like a champ for conquering it once and for all. Talk about adding insult to injury!

10. Not being able to deal with the double whammy of sensitive AND oily skin

Think sensitive skin, and images of dry, peeling flakes may fill your brain. But what if you had skin that’s both sensitive AND oily? That’s sure to solve all your problems and have your complexion plump, dewy and moisturised at all times! Right?

Tragically, reality isn’t that simple. Oily skin is usually a result of dehydrated skin, strange as it may seem. Your body overcompensates by producing extra oil to make up for the dry skin. Coupled with the delicate nature of your skin, it really messes up the pH levels and throw everything off-balance.


There are skincare solutions out there for sensitive skin and ones for oily skin, but a perfect combination that tackles both issues at the same time can be hard to find.

Luckily, products like Curel’s Sebum Care cleanser and lotion are targeted specifically at sensitive skin sufferers who are also prone to oiliness. Gentle to your precious face yet effective enough to clean and moisturise deeply, go for legit brands and you’ll soon see the difference.

Dermal Defence At Its Finest

Experimenting with something as delicate as your already-sensitive skin is completely nerve-wracking, which is why it is always best to put your trust into something that’s been tried, tested, and proven to be beneficial.


As Japan’s No. 1 brand for sensitive Asian skin, the Curel Sebum Care Range is specially formulated to combat skin that’s oily yet prone to sensitivity. It suppresses oil secretion right at the source, zapping the chances of acne by a tonne. Your face will no longer be a pimple plantation, hooray!

Their products are also hypoallergenic, allergy tested, have a pH level closest to your natural skin and are free of ethyl alcohol, colourants and fragrances. In short, you can be sure of getting only the good stuff!

Some of us from The Smart Local’s office actually checked the Curel Sebum Care Range out, and the results do not lie. Just let these pictures speak for themselves!


Cheryl Tay, 21
TSL’s Creative Executive deals with oily and sensitive skin combination daily. Here’s what she said about the Curel Sebum Care Range!

On the cleanser: “The foaminess of the wash felt very gentle on my skin. It was like massaging a fluffy layer of cloud on my face! The feeling afterwards was refreshing without the squeaky tightness that I’ve experienced with other brands, so I didn’t feel like my face was stripped of all its natural moisture. Good stuff!
On the lotion and gel: “There was no icky feeling of stickiness left over after application, which I find very important. The product was able to get fully absorbed, very quickly. What I also like a lot was the fact that I can still wear my makeup over it as per usual. It didn’t make my face become extra oily afterwards, just soft and moisturised!

After using the Curel Sebum Care Range for 2 weeks, Cheryl shares that her skin has become noticeably softer and smoother. Not just after each application, too! The moisture is sustained well throughout the day.

She also noted that her sensitive skin didn’t suffer any flare-ups or irritation that’s usually experience from the harsher products of other brands

After the endless struggles of having sensitive skin, you too deserve to be pampered and protected by quality skincare products that legitimately work. Say hello to a world free of sensitive skin woes when you give Curel a try!

Redeem your free Curel Sebum Care Samples now!

This post was brought to you by Curel.

Renae Cheng

I love food, dance, writing, and writing about food and dance.

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