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Oldest Living Filipino Turns 123 Years Old Today, Surpassing Even The Philippines’ Age

Oldest living Filipino, Lola Francisca Susano, turns 123

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to loom over our heads and spirits have been low for the past few months. With frontliners continuing to fight the virus in their PPEs, it’s hard to imagine how the future will go. 

However, this 123-year old lola turning 123 years old this 11th September, reminds us that things can eventually get better. As the oldest living Filipino, she has lived through the reigns of all the presidents of the Philippines, the Spanish flu, and both World Wars.  

Lola Francisca Susano passed away on Monday, 22nd November 2021. Our condolences go to her family and loved ones, and may she rest in peace.

Francisca Susano, the 123-year old lola from Negros Occidental

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We’ve all imagined how we’d look like when we become grey-haired and wrinkly skinned, but very few of us actually expect to live to a hundred years old. Lola Francisca Susano, however, exceeded all such expectations and is currently the oldest living Filipino.

Lola Francisca celebrates her birthday today, 11st September, in her humble home in Kabankalan City, Negros Occidental. Born on 11th September 1897, she will be turning 123 years old today – that’s older than sliced bread and lipstick!

Extraordinary things about being 123 years old

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Lola Francisca celebrating her 122nd birthday in 2019

Image credit:

Having lived 123 years, Lola Francisca has experienced many things that we can only read about in history books today. She has lived through the reigns of all the presidents of the Philippines, being a little over 1 year old when Emilio Aguinaldo took the title of the country’s first president. She’s also lived through global historical events such as the Spanish flu and both World Wars.

Aside from these, she is now a grandmother, great-grandmother, and great-great grandmother to over 100 children.

The key to long life

123 years old - vegetables
Image adapted from:
Marisol Benitez

According to Lola Francisca through an interview with GMA, the secret to living to the age of 123 like her isn’t even a secret. Vegetables are her the key to long life. Lola Francisca likes to keep a healthy diet filled with lots of vegetables, from squash to eggplants to okra.

Despite her old age, lola also likes to get her exercise in. The oldest living Filipino exercises her lungs every morning by playing the harmonica, and even occasionally sings with her grandchildren. She also does some basic stretching exercises, which is more than some of us can say for ourselves.

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Health is wealth for the oldest living Filipino

If there’s anything to learn from Lola Francisca and her 123 years that went into becoming the oldest living Filipino, it’s that maybe we should put down that bag of chips and pick up those dumb bells. Health is wealth, after all. 

The saying is a cliche but also very true – Lola Francisca is definitely wealthy in terms of family, years, and memories, all because she took and continues to take care of her health.

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