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Laneige’s Beautiful Water-Themed “Life Oasis” Exhibition Floods Instagram With Aesthetic Photos

Laneige’s Life Oasis exhibition

Since last week, Laneige’s digital art exhibition Life Oasis has been the talk of the town. The 8-part multi-sensory exhibition boasts enchanting water-themed photo spots that will fill your Instagram feeds with dazzling colours.

8 digital artworks for aesthetic shots

Laneige Life Oasis - Exhibition at S-Factory Seongsu-dong
Image credit: @laneige_art

Located in Seoul’s Brooklyn, Seongsu-dong, the exhibition transports people into an aesthetic aquatic world. With the tagline “It is thirst that makes us shine,” the dreamy digital artworks in the exhibition aim to recharge visitors who – in Laneige’s words – are drained from various “thirsts” in life.

Laneige Life Oasis - Entrance
Image credit: @laneige_art

The exhibition features 8 different scenes: Momentum, Origin, Ultimate Power, Luminous Water, Fantasia, Life Oasis, Meet Sagmeister & Walsh, and Terrace.

Ombre light projections 

Laneige Life Oasis - ombre light curtains
Image credit: @laneige_art

Multi-coloured light projections present a dreamy image of a waterfall, making visitors feel like they are in a magical world.

Laneige Life Oasis - ombre light curtains
Image credit: @laneige_art

Scene 01. Momentum prompts visitors to leave their worries at the door and step into the healing world of water.

Laneige Life Oasis - Kim yoo-jung ombre light curtains
Image credit: @laneige_art 

Water tunnel and ASMR

Laneige Life Oasis - water tunnnel with ASMR
Image credit: @laneige_art

With soft blue and purple projections, Scene 02. Origin sends visitors through an enchanting tunnel of water.

Laneige Life Oasis - Water tunnel with ASMR
Image credit: @laneige_art

The sounds of moving water echo along the tunnel, making visitors feel serene and relaxed.

Laneige Life Oasis - Water tunnel with ASMR
Image credit: @laneige_art

270-degree view of crashing waves

Laneige Life Oasis - 270-degree view of crashing waves
Image credit: @laneige_art

Scene 03. Ultimate Power presents chaos and power through projections of tall, crashing waves.

Laneige Life Oasis - Kim Yoo-jung 270-degree view of crashing waves
Image credit: @laneige_art

The forceful waves contrast the calming water movements in the previous scene, showcasing water as a great source of energy.

Laneige Life Oasis - 270-degree view of crashing waves
Image adapted from: @sweetness_light

Interactive illuminated sandpit

Laneige Life Oasis - Interactive illuminated sandpit
Image credit: @laneige_art

Scene 04. Luminous Water presents a movement-sensitive sandpit. Visitors enter barefooted and are greeted by the rough feeling of sand between their toes, just like at a real beach.

Laneige Life Oasis - Interactive illuminated sandpit
Image adapted from: @laneige_kr

Dynamic light projections follow movement, creating a fun and interactive environment. The artwork highlights the liveliness of water and how it responds to changes in its surroundings.

It is also a perfect opportunity for Boomerang shots.

Laneige Life Oasis - Interactive illuminated sandpit
Image adapted from: @laneige_kr

Infinity mirror lights

Laneige Life Oasis - Infinity mirror lights
Image credit: @laneige_art

With its colour-changing lights and mirrors, Scene 05. Fantasia offers a radiant backdrop for eye-catching photos.

Laneige Life Oasis - Infinity mirror lights
Image credit: @laneige_art

The placement of mirrors creates an “infinite” illusion, making the stunning lights look like they go on endlessly.

Laneige Life Oasis - Infinity mirror lights
Image credit: @tserka5755

Pastel pink room

Korean Flag Animated

Laneige Life Oasis - pretty pink room
Image credit: @laneige_art

The pastel pink room in Scene 06. Life Oasis is one of the more popular photo spots due to its lovely interior.

Laneige Life Oasis - pretty pink room
Image credit: @ssooyeonnyy

In the room, there are “windows” where LED screens display surreal pink-hued picturesque views.

Laneige Life Oasis - pretty pink room
Image credit: @ssooyeonnyy

This section resembles a home to encourage visitors to reflect on happiness in everyday life as they look out of the “windows”.

Laneige Life Oasis - Kim yoo-jung pretty pink room
Image credit: @laneige_art

Laneige Life Oasis - pretty pink room
Image credit: @laneige_art

Laneige’s Life Oasis exhibition runs till 30th Aug 2020

Laneige Life Oasis - poster
Image credit: @laneige_art

Address: S-Factory Building A, 11 Seongsu-dong 2(i)-ga, Yeonmu-jang 15-gil, Seongdong-gu, Seoul, South Korea
Opening hours: Mon-Fri 10AM-8PM (Last entry at 7.20PM)
Admission: Free (Tickets can be booked on Naver or Melon)
Telephone: 070-5154-1111
Official Instagram

Laneige Life Oasis - door gift Water bank hydro essence & water bank hydro cream
Image credit: @ssooyeonnyy

Visitors will receive a Laneige door gift which includes a travel-size Water Bank Hydro Essence and Water Bank Hydro Cream.

If you are in Korea, Laneige’s Life Oasis digital art exhibition is definitely not one to miss.

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Cover image adapted from (left to right): @laneige_art, @laneige_art, and @laneige_art