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BT21 BABY Toasters Are Here So That ARMYs Can “Butter” Toasts & Get This Bread

BT21 BABY toasters available worldwide

If you are having trouble waking up in the morning, perhaps a cute BT21-themed breakfast will provide the motivation needed to get you out of bed. 

On 5th June, BT21 announced the launch of the BT21 BABY Toasters with a short video. These toasters join the recently released BT21 X The Creme Shop skincare collection and BT21 BABY Sensor Mood Lamps.

 Comes in 3 versions

bt21 baby toasters - 3 versions
Image credit: LINE FRIENDS

The BT21 BABY Toasters come in 3 versions: KOYA & RJ & SHOOKY BABY, MANG & COOKY BABY and TATA & CHIMMY BABY.

Each toaster can toast 2 pieces of bread at the same time. Each slot produces a different BT21 BABY face. For the KOYA & RJ & SHOOKY BABY version, 1 of the slots will toast the bread on both sides, so you get KOYA on 1 side of the bread and SHOOKY on the other. 

bt21 baby toasters - functions
Image credit: LINE FRIENDS

The BT21 BABY Toaster is easy to use. It has 3 buttons that are clearly labelled, and a knob that allows you to adjust the heat. Once you have settled on a heat level, simply pull the lever downwards and wait for your bread to be toasted.

You must use slices of bread that are at least 0.85cm thick. 

bt21 baby toasters - functions
Image credit: LINE FRIENDS

The toaster comes with a small pull-out tray that collects crumbs, which makes it convenient to clean the toaster.

bt21 baby toasters - TATA and V
Image adapted from: LINE FRIENDS and V LIVE

Let your creativity flow when you plate these toasts. BT21 came up with a TATA toast topped with cereal and decorated with forks, a look that resembles his creator’s hilarious fork crown in BTS’ live Butter comeback V LIVE

How to buy the BT21 BABY Toasters

The BT21 BABY Toasters are already available for purchase in Korea. They will also be available globally, but the global launch date has not been confirmed yet.

In Korea, the toasters are priced at KRW69,000 (~USD62.10) each, and can be purchased on the LINE FRIENDS website. If you live outside of Korea and can’t wait for the global launch, you can get a friend in Korea to buy it for you, or engage a concierge service. 

Korean Flag Animated

BT21 BABY Toasters will start your day right

There’s no reason to settle for normal toasters when you can make a BT21-themed breakfast with these toasters. 

Follow BT21’s official Instagram account to stay updated on the global release of the BT21 BABY Toasters. 

Check out other BT21 and BTS-related articles:

Cover image adapted from: LINE FRIENDS and  LINE FRIENDS