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9 Healthy Catering Services In Jakarta With Varied Meal Plans To Help Maintain Your Diet At Home

Healthy catering services in Jakarta

Often, the hardest part about being responsible with your own diet is not the cooking itself, but about figuring out what to cook. Sure, there are plenty of cooking videos you could mine for ideas and tutorials, but there’s still meal prep to deal with and the process can be both exhausting and time-consuming.

It’s to our relief then that there are plenty of catering services, such as these 8 healthy catering services in Jakarta, with balanced, healthy diets for those pressed for time to eat well even when working from home.

Small reminder, make sure to consult with medical professionals first if you’re thinking of doing an intensive diet. All prices listed here are for lunch and dinner packages.

1. 3 Skinny Minnies – 5-day no-salt, no-carb intensive diet program

3 skinny minnies wagyu steak
Wagyu steak with chimichurri and a side of green beans and stir-fried fried tofu
Image credit: @3skinnyminnies

Those who think diet meals are bland, tasteless cuisine clearly have never tried 3 Skinny Minnies. This catering service, co-founded by Indonesian actress Dian Sastrowardoyo, blends healthy diet meals with gourmet food philosophy and you can even sign up for the actress’ No Carbs Package as an option.

As its name suggests, the service focuses on intensive diet programs with the No Salt Package and the super intensive No Carbs, No Salt Package also available as an option. For the gents, they also offer the Lean Mean Boyfriend Package tailored for men with higher 1,200 calorie meals per day, with all of the above available as 5-day programs.

3 skinny minnies pasta
Tomato pesto linguine with chicken parmesan
Image credit: @3skinnyminnies

Jumping straight into these programs can be a bridge too far though and the No Salt+ Package and No Carbs+ Package is meant to ease newcomers into their new diet. These two-week programs, excluding weekends, first start with a simple low-calorie diet before kicking it up a notch into the more intensive program for the second week.

Don’t worry if you feel your resolve starting to waver mid-program as your journey will be accompanied by co-founder Reina Wardhana. At the start of the program, you’ll be given her contact information and she’ll act as your advisor and cheerleader throughout the whole program.

Price range: Rp. 1,500,000-Rp. 1,950,000 (~USD102.38-USD133.09) for 5-day packages
Delivery fee: Included in the package. 

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2. Gorry Gourmet – themed healthy meals for the whole month

gorry gourmet beef udon
Throughout September, Gorry Gourmet exclusively served Japanese-themed menus
Image credit: @gorrygourmet

If you’re interested in trying out the popular low-carb, high-fat keto diet but lack the self-control to stick to the program, Gorry Gourmet has the solution. The catering service’s New Age Keto Diet Package is designed to maintain the 5% carb, 20% protein, and 75% fat ratio of the diet program.

For those not interested in shaving a few kilos but who still want to eat healthily, the Healthy Box Package could give you a few pointers. Those suffering from a specific health condition such as diabetes or heart conditions would also appreciate Gorry’s Diabetic Package and Cardio Package.

gorry gourmet beef rendang
In celebration of Independence Day, August’s menu theme was Nusantara Delight
Image credit: @gorrygourmet

For those who’re particular when it comes to food, Gorry is also pretty accommodating as each day, you’re given a selection of meals to choose from. Likewise, the catering service has also played around with the concept of themed menus where in the month of September for example, they exclusively served Japanese food throughout the whole month.

Price range: Rp. 550,000-Rp. 1,470,000 (~USD37.54-USD100.33) for 5-day packages
Delivery fee: Included in the package. 

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3. Leafwell Catering – monthly meal plans and event catering services

leafwell catering quinoa onigiri
Quinoa onigiri with beef teriyaki and hijiki seaweed salad
Image credit: @leafwellcatering

For those wanting a clean break from the kitchen for the entire month, Leafwell is your salvation. In addition to 5-day meal packages, Leafwell also offers monthly meal plans for longer-term diet programs so you’ll never eat the exact same meal twice in a month.

Aside from the typical Weight Loss Package and Maintain Package, the service also has the Muscle Up Package for those looking to bulk up. This isn’t going to be like Popeye and his magical spinach though as you still have to put in the necessary workouts at the gym to build up those biceps.

beef wrap healthy catering service in jakarta
BBQ Pulled Beef Wrap with a side of couscous and pickled vegetables
Image credit: @leafwellcatering

New moms looking to shed all the baby weight should also check out the New Mom Package. In addition to helping mothers with their postpartum weight loss, the meal plan also does the double duty of providing them with the necessary nutrition for breastfeeding.

Price range: Rp. 880,000-Rp. 1,400,000 (~USD37.54-USD100.33) for 5-day packages and  Rp. 3,300,000 – Rp. 5,250,000, (USD225.24 – USD358.33) for monthly packages, excluding weekends
Delivery fee: Included in the package

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4. Green Spoon – slow-cooked healthy diet meals

green spoon horror bulgogi
For Halloween, Green Spoon served horror-themed menus
Image credit: @greenspoonid

Indonesians’ love for instant noodles is well-documented but these micin (MSG)filled pleasures do come at a cost – they’re not really healthy. If you care about your health, slow-cooking and healthy ingredients are the way to go – an approach adopted by Green Spoon.

All meals are slow-cooked, using low temperatures over a longer period of time, which prevents the creation of compounds in cooked meat that increases the risk of heart disease. This is true for each of their meal plans, consisting of Weight Loss, Maintenance, and Muscle Up, with all three available in 5-day plans or 20-day monthly plans.

bye bye belly mayo diet meal
Sister company Bye Bye Belly serves a more intensive low-carb meal plan
Image credit: @byebyebellyid

If you’re looking for a more intensive diet program, sister company Bye-Bye Belly offers a more intensive 13-day Mayo Diet program. The Mayo Diet puts more burden on your own self-control in the long-term though, with the 13-day program functioning more as a guideline to ease you into a better, healthier lifestyle in general.

Price range: Rp. 775,000-Rp. 1,175,000 (~USD37.54-USD100.33) for 5-day packages and  Rp 2,900,000 – Rp. 4,500,000, (USD225.24 – USD358.33) for monthly packages, excluding weekends
Delivery fee: Included in the package, but meal plans for those living in Jakarta’s satellite cities such as Depok and Tangerang are priced a little bit higher.

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5. Forking Clean – flexible meal plans for those with dietary restrictions

forking clean catering service in Jakarta
Vegan sausage and bean stew served with pain rustique bread
Image credit: @forkingclean

It’s not easy to find healthy catering services in Jakarta, especially if you need to maintain a healthy diet while living with a pre-existing condition. You either stick with limited options while ordering food, or you single-handedly prepare your own meals, which is quite a mammoth responsibility.

With Forking Clean, you can now breathe a sigh of relief as they will gladly plan your meals around your dietary restrictions. For those whose life is so unpredictably hectic, the service also runs on a credit system so even if you’re forced to change your dining plans for tomorrow, you can simply hit pause for a day and pick up where you left off the day after.

forking clean helthy gudeg
Healthy gudeg, Yogyakarta’s trademark cuisine, with spiced jackfruit, spicy tofu krecek, and opor ayam, or chicken cooked in coconut milk
Image credit: @forkingclean

Forking Clean currently only has one universal Lunch & Dinner Package but they can and will serve you with double portions if you’re looking to gain mass in a healthy way.

Price range: Rp. 850,000 (~USD58.02) for 5-day packages
Delivery fee: Varies depending on location


6. Yummybox – design-it-yourself meal plans for picky eaters

the good habit salad bowl yummybox
Meal plans from The Good Habit, known for their variety of salad bowls
Image credit: @eatyummybox

Simply put, Yummybox is the baby born from the union between a proper chef’s palate and a startup mindset. Through the Yummybox app, you can sign up for healthy meal plans, listed in the app as Food Playlists, from Yummybox’s own kitchen or from other kitchen brands that have partnered with the app.

The meal plans are also highly customizable as you’re free to choose which days over a three-week period you’d like your meal deliveries, excluding weekends. For those with a DIY spirit, this flexibility means you can mix & match multiple packages or with your own cooking and have your own personalized meal plans.

yummybox catering service in jakarta
Mediterranean diet meal with grilled dory, kale, green beans, and brown rice
Image credit: @jeatsdiary

Currently, the healthier meal plans available include the Immune Booster Package, the Under 600 Calories Package, and The Good Habit Package from the salad bowl chain The Good Habit. 

Do note the meal plans are for one meal per day only so if you’re looking for both lunch and dinner without repeat meals, you have to subscribe to two different packages.

Price range: Rp. 320,000-Rp. 500,000 (~USD21.93-USD34.18) for 5-day packages
Delivery fee: Included in the package

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7. MyMeal Catering – comprehensive meal plan for the whole family

mymeal catering service in Jakarta
Grilled gourami with mixed vegetables. The white rice can be switched out with the healthier red rice
Image credit: @mymealcatering

When you don’t even have enough time to prep meals for yourself on a daily basis, trying to do the same for a whole family would seem like an impossible task. At times like those, be thankful that you have MyMeal Catering to lean on, for a price.

The catering service has every meal plan you could think of, from the popular Mayo Diet and Keto Diet to more niche programs such as the Atkins Diet and South Beach Diet. The kids won’t be left behind either thanks to MyMeal’s Kids Package for kids age 1-9 and the Baby Meal Package for babies age 0-1 with all the nutrition they need for their growing bodies.

mymeal catering coconut steamed cake
Meal plans also come with low-calorie snacks, such as this coconut steamed cake
Image credit: @mymealcatering

Comprehensive is practically MyMeal’s middle name with breakfast, lunch, and dinner complete with two snacks as part of the meal plan – more than what many other healthy catering services in Jakarta offer. To help track your diet progress, each meal plan also includes free visits from a nutritionist and complimentary medical check-ups so you have much more than just the food to look forward to.

Price range: Rp. 4.388,800-Rp. 5.388,800 (~USD298.85-USD366.95) for 14-day packages, including weekends
Delivery fee: Included in the package

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8.  Flat Belly – diet meal plans without breaking the bank

flat belly catering service in Jakarta
For vegetarians, the protein can be switched with a meat substitute
Image credit:

Finding healthy food that’s both flavorful and cheap without the help of micin, the unsung hero of the kitchen, is ridiculously difficult. And yet, Flat Belly manages to rise up to the challenge, showing that maybe our lifelong addiction to nasi goreng kaki lima, or fried rice from traveling street vendors, isn’t so incurable after all.

For their Lunch + Dinner Package, Flat Belly leans heavier on lunch as a light dinner is scientifically better for digestion. While this is indeed healthier, late-night cravings strike indiscriminately so we recommend stocking up on fruits once they eventually arrive.

low calorie geprek flat belly
It’s not often you get to try a low-calorie take on ayam geprek, or crushed chicken served with chili sauce
Image credit:

If you still think you’re going to need more, you can ask for more proteins for an additional fee. The service also accepts additional requests in accordance with your dietary restrictions and allergies, if you have any.

Price range: Rp. 400,000 (~USD27.24) for 5-day packages, Rp. 1,560,000 (~USD106.92) for monthly packages, excluding weekends
Delivery fee: Included in the package. Deliveries outside the standard coverage area will come with additional costs.


9. Yellowfit Kitchen – low-calorie meals with extra detox tea

yellowfit catering service in jakarta
Every so often, Yellowfit throws in some freebies with your meals, like this Cimory Yogurt on top of your pasta and dory parmigiana
Image credit: @yellowfitkitchen

With low-calorie variants of popular guilty pleasures Chicken Katsu Curry or Pancake with Crispy Chicken, you’re not going to feel as if you’re on a diet with Yellowfit Kitchen. All meals offered with the service tops out at 400 calories while being just as drool-inducing as the ones from your favorite fast-food chains.

Yellowfit’s philosophy isn’t to completely remove salt or carbs from your meal plans but to moderate their use. As such, you can subscribe to their meal plans for as long as you want without having to worry about your nutritional intake.

detox tea yellowfit kitchen
Higher range packages come with two servings of Detox Tea per day
Image credit: @yellowfitkitchen

For more intensive diet programs though, Yellowfit supplements your daily meals with two servings of their special Detox Tea. The tea, which comes in lemon, lychee, and jasmine flavors is meant to suppress late-night snack cravings and increase your metabolism, helping you shave those extra few pounds at the end of your diet.

Price range: Rp. 550,000-Rp. 610,000 (~USD37.59-USD41.69) for 5-day packages and Rp. 2,100,000-Rp. 2,300,000 (~USD143.51-USD157.18) for monthly packages, excluding weekends
Delivery fee: Included in the package

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Healthy catering services in Jakarta

If you’ve been spending too much time since the PSBB period stuck doing meal prep, now’s the time to figure out what to do with your free time. 

With these 9 healthy catering services in Jakarta, why not start a new exercise routine or pick up a new hobby that you’ve been secretly wanting to do?

For more on food recommendations in Jakarta, check out these stories:

Cover image adapted from @3skinnyminnies, @mymealcatering, and @forkingclean

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